Logo der Universität Hamburg


Former RTG Administrative Office

Ms. Gerda Mierswa Silva
Department of Mathematics
University of Hamburg
Bundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 42838-9349

rtg1670.office (at) uni-hamburg.de

Former RTG Spokesperson

Prof. Dr. C. Schweigert
Department of Mathematics
University of Hamburg
Bundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg

Former RTG Deputies

Prof. Dr. V. Cortés
Department of Mathematics
University of Hamburg
Bundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg

vicente.cortes (at) uni-hamburg.de

Prof. Dr. J. Teschner
DESY Theory Group
Notkestraße 85
22603 Hamburg

Participating Institutions

Department of Mathematics
University of Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg

II. Institute for Theoretical Physics
Department Physik
University of Hamburg
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg

DESY Theory Group
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg

Impressum  | last modified 09 May 2020